Astronomical Clock is in Prague is already 612 years
Illustrated description with explanation what everything shows
See the current setting of the astronomical dial
On the south side of the Old Town Hall tower is one of the most attractive monuments of Prague, which was founded in 1410. The Prague Astronomical Clock is equipped with two large dials, the upper one is astronomical, the lower one is calendar one. At first glance, it may not be clear how this basic and precisely constructed part of the clock works at all and what it shows. No wonder, because the astronomical clock - its astronomical and calendar part - is a testament to the knowledge and skill of our ancestors that have been developing for generations. Thanks to them and historical happiness, the Prague Astronomical Clock has been preserved, and so even today we can admire this sophisticated, clock-driven model of the universe
Until the 17th century, the Astronomical Clock was the main indicator of the time and the publicly accessible calendar data and information about the position of the Sun, the Moon and the signs of the zodiac. The Prague Astronomical Clock boasts an extraordinary peculiarity, which is not directly visible to the outside observer: parts of the working mechanisms are original. Above all, it is the so-called pointing machine, which drives the pointers of stars, sun and moon. It is based on three large, forged, spur gears that rotate independently on a common shaft. The first 365 cogs moves with the sun, and the third wheel with 397 cogs moves as the Moon cycle.
Prague Astronomical Clock Brochure
14 laminated color pages 12x27cm (spread 84x27cm)
Astronomical clock in Prague is for sale in Prague in the Poster Gallery (Rybná 21), and in the Academia Bookstore

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