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We offer replacement services in the following activities:

Handling of telephone exchange service

Imprint posters for cultural purposes at attractive locations in Prague

Design and printing of leaflets, posters, postcards, catalogs

Sales of historical posters and their copies

Sale of copies of historical postcards

Buttons production with original motifs

Sales Mediation and Sales

Operate of cloakrooms of Senat Czech Republic

Compensation for employees with disabilities

With the application of Act No. 435/2004 Coll., on employment, we offer performance under section 81 - we have long-term employment of more than 80% of people with disabilities.

An organization with more than 25 employees has to employ at least 4% of the disabled in accordance with Act No. 435/2004 Coll., On employment.

For non-compliance, it is mandatory to pay to the state budget in the amount of 2.5 times the average wage in the national economy for each citizen with a disability who has not complied with this mandatory share. 

Agentura ProVás, s.r.o.

Rybná 695/21, 110 00 Praha

Updated: May 2023

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